- À l’intention des médias-
Montréal, le 2 mai 2014 - En dépit d’un degré de répression absurdement disproportionné, la Convergence des luttes anticapitaliste (CLAC-Montréal) a réussi à prendre la rue ce 1er mai, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des travailleurs et travailleuses. Un plan avait été conçu pour permettre qu’une manifestation ait lieu coûte que coûte.
Tel qu’anticipé, un premier contingent d’une cinquantaine de personnes a été immédiatement encerclé à proximité du point de rendez-vous officiel de la manifestation, au coin de rues Ontario et Papineau, dès 18h. Toutefois, un deuxième départ avait été prévu par la CLAC à partir du métro Papineau à 18 h 15. Ce deuxième contingent, à peu près de la même taille que le premier, a pu marcher une dizaine de minutes avant d’être intercepté à son tour au coin des rues Sainte-Catherine et Plessis.
>> To make a donation to support our comrades, please click here.
>> To send them a letter directly, please click here.
On the night of January 5th, Carlos - a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon - two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a Molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian consulate. Though they were initially accused of property destruction, the three may now face additional charges of sabotage, organized crime, and terrorism. If these charges are brought forward, bail will not be possible and deportation for the two from Canada is highly unlikely. All three would then be held until trial without the possibility of release. Due to the possibility of their charges falling under the anti-terrorism law, there is a 48-hour extension to how long the comrades can be held by the Mexican Central Investigative Agency before their charges must be finalized - this extension has already been granted, and can be renewed several times. These charges come at a time of intense crackdown by the Mexican state on anarchists; from attacks on demonstrations, torture of arrested comrades - including the torture and deportation of Gustavo Rodriguez, and barring the entry of Alfredo Bonanno. The state is now attempting to spin a narrative of foreigners coming in and causing disruption, thus ignoring and even erasing the rich history of anarchist struggle against the state in Mexico. Over the past few years in Mexico City, an insurrectionary anarchist struggle has intensified. Bombings of banks and churches, among other institutions of domination, have taken place frequently, and solidarity with insurrectionary anarchists in Mexico and worldwide has been central to these actions. We must recognize that the repression and penalization that comrades are facing now occurs in this context. Regardless of the guilt or innocence of these specific comrades, we want to express solidarity, complicity, and a strong desire to see attacks on the state and capital continue and spread. In reality, the Canadians causing disruption in Mexico are the mining companies and military technologies; the same ones that exploit unceded Indigenous land in Canada and elsewhere around the world. Given that capitalist exploitation and misery knows no borders, the struggle against capitalism and the state apparatus must not stop at national borders. Our strength lies in our capacity to recognize the commonalities of our struggles so that they may spread, and to act in solidarity so that the struggles of our incarcerated comrades may continue. We write this statement to express our deep solidarity with and love for our friends and comrades – Carlos, Amelie and Fallon. Although we are writing from a different context, it is critical that our solidarity is also with the struggle in which this action occurred. Our friends and comrades facing these charges are experiencing the intensity of repression. Our solidarity must meet that intensity with respect for where they stand, admiration for their strength, and a continuation of the struggle in Canada, Mexico, and globally. Love and freedom to the 5e three*, Prisoners to the streets, For freedom and anarchy, -- Friends in struggle |
To make a donation to support our comrades, please, write a cheque to: Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes
Please indicate "Mexico" in the memo line. And send to the following adress: CLAC-Montréal
c/o QPIRG Concordia 1455 de Maisonneuve O Montréal, Quebec H3G 1M8 To make cash contributions, you can visit QPIRG-CONCORDIA (1500 de Maisonneuve O., Montréal, suite 204) and give the cash to one of the Staff, between 12pm-6pm, Monday to Thursday. You can also make a donation online: |
To write to Fallon and Amélie:
To write to Carlos:
We are opposed to the proposed Quebec Charter of Values (now known as Bill 60)
From the outset, the proposed Charter and related debate fails to recognize that Quebec and Canada are built on stolen Indigenous land, and constituted through the dispossession and genocide of Indigenous peoples. We assert our solidarity and support with Indigenous struggles for self-determination and cultural integrity.
We are for equality between all genders but we also assert our support for struggles against patriarchy, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism and all forms of oppression.
We oppose those aspects of the Charter that attack the personal dignity and self-determination of our fellow Quebec residents, including their ability to work and survive in major sectors of the economy.
We assert that the introduction of the Charter of Values is both hypocritical and xenophobic. It is hypocritical because ostentatious symbols of one religion will remain untouched (specifically the Duplessis crucifix in the National Assembly as well as the cross on Mont-Royal). It is xenophobic because Charter supporters are appealing to sensationalized and false fears of other cultures and traditions, as part of an electoral calculation to win the votes of bigots.
Montréal, le 11 octobre 2013 -- Suite à la désinformation répandue par divers organes de l'entreprise Québecor Média, notamment au bulletin de nouvelles du réseau TVA du jeudi 10 octobre 2013, la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) tient à démentir qu'elle a organisé la manifestation contre Enbridge et la Ligne 9 qui s'est déroulée le même jour dans le quartier des affaires de Montréal.
Les tâcherons de QMI et de Québecor, avec au premier chef le journaflic de l'air Maxime Landry, sont décidément incapables d'effectuer un travail de recherche digne de ce nom. Il n'aurait fallu que quelques secondes pour vérifier qui a effectivement organisé la manifestation. La CLAC n'a jamais eu honte d'annoncer clairement les événements qu'elle organise elle-même. Dans ce cas-ci, elle n'a fait que reproduire sur son propre site l'appel à manifester qui circulait déjà depuis plusieurs semaines.
(Notons au passage que les médias de Québecor ont été les seuls, à notre connaissance, à attribuer erronément cette manifestation à la CLAC.)
À ce stade, ce n'est même plus de l'incompétence, mais de la mauvaise foi.
Montreal’s Anti-capitalist Convergence (CLAC) is inviting residents to take back the streets!
Montréal, May 1st, 2013 – For the sixth consecutive year, Montréal’s Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) organized an anti-capitalist demonstration to commemorate the International Workers Day on May 1st.
The demonstration left the City Hall at 6pm with the objective of making its way to the infamous private club 357C, the crooks 's club.
A politicized police force ever at the service of the corrupt political and financial elite and willing to use disproportionate force in doing so, the SPVM has once again denied the public the right to express its discontent with injustices and abuses. Once more, they decided quite arbitrarily to brutalize and criminalize more than 400 people whose only crime was to denounce the suffocating status quo. Municipal by-law P-6 is used as a pretext to shutting down dissent.
The austerity measures currently enacted by both the federal and provincial governments (such as Unemployment Insurance reforms and cuts to social security), clearly show that those in power are simply doing the footwork of capitalist interests, interests they defend tooth and nail over the social rights hard-won throughout history by
a constantly put-upon working-class.
This May 1st, the CLAC has decided to do a symbolic march to highlight the path from City Hall to the private club 357C. This den of thieves perfectly represents the “culture” of secrecy and cronyism that reigns among the ruling class, the political class, and the world of organized crime. According to Emma Smith, co-spokesperson for CLAC,
“…in order to justifty exploitation and injustice, the elite have always used secrecy, corruption, manipulation, and violence. Collusion, cronyism, and scams of all kinds are not the exception… these are the basic rules of the capitalist game.”
In this time of polarized class interests, it isn’t surprising to see governments enact laws that quash popular resistance to their abuses of power and repress anyone that tries to disturb the dominant political and economic order. The insistence of municipal officials (notably the members of the thoroughly corrupt Union Montréal Party)
on upholding the liberticidal P-6 bylaw is only the latest instance of the repressive tendencies of the political elite.
“Historically, May 1st has always been a day of international anti-capitalist resistance and struggle. CLAC firmly positions itself on the side of this proud tradition of popular and worker’s resistance,” said William Tremblay, co-spokesperson for CLAC.
Yesterday evening, April 23, Montreal City Council voted to maintain the anti-protest by-law P-6. It's not at City Hall that P-6 will be defeated, but rather on the streets with our continued defiance and disobedience.
78 community groups have already endorsed the public statement below, clearly stating that they will not negotiate demonstration routes with the police. We encourage more community organizations to do so as well.
Please share the statement below with local organizations. Send notifications of endorsing groups to: info@clac-montreal.net
Solidarity against police repression in Montreal: We will not submit to the municipal by-law P-6
With this public declaration, we assert our opposition to by-law P-6: we will continue to demonstrate without negotiating our demo routes with police, and we will systematically challenge all tickets that arise from this by-law.
[Media Advisory] [For immediate release]
Press Point & “Action”
Monday, April 22, 2013, 10am
in front of the Palais de justice
(corner of St-Laurent & Notre-Dame)
Contact: info@clac-montreal.net - 438-875-7243
Press conference called by the Anti-Capitalist Convergence of Montreal (CLAC) with the participation of endorsing organizations.
[À l’initiative des Profs contre la hausse]
Montréal - 24 février 2013
Nous sommes du nombre de ceux et celles qui ont pris part, à notre façon, au débat public ouvert par le Printemps érable. Ce débat a eu lieu tant au sein d’organisations déjà existantes que de collectifs qui ont vu le jour à cette occasion.
Encore aujourd’hui, nous avons la conviction qu’un tel débat a eu lieu parce que la grève générale illimitée des étudiantes et étudiants et tout le mouvement populaire qui l’a accompagnée ont ouvert et imposé un véritable espace politique de réflexion, de débat et d’action. Un vent d’espoir, de mobilisation et de création a balayé le Québec. De nombreuses expériences d’autonomie et de démocratie ont pu se développer, que ce soit dans les assemblées générales étudiantes, les collectifs d’action, les assemblées populaires et autonomes de quartier. Les intelligences citoyennes se sont exprimées et des liens de solidarité se sont tissés à travers le désir d’imaginer l’avenir plutôt que de gérer le présent. Cinquante ans après le rapport Parent, toute une frange de la société s’est réapproprié le projet qui vise à faire société à travers l’éducation.
August 4, Montreal -- Last March, the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC) issued a statement supporting the actions of economic disruption being carried out by striking students in the pursuit of their demands (http://www.clac-montreal.net/mars_2012). Five months later, with the "student crisis" having become a veritable social crisis and the next battle in this epic conflict about to begin, CLAC is reiterating its support for the disruptions, occupations and blockades planned for the return to class.
Inspired by the courage and determination of Quebec's students, we are both answering and adding our voice to the call to "block the return to class" (http://bloquonslarentree.com/) starting on August 13th.
Montreal, 11 June 2012 -- Two weeks before the Formula 1 turbo-capitalist circus arrived in Montreal, the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC), just like other organizations, issued a call to action.
In the context of the current social crisis, this event - emblematic of the excesses of the wealthy, of environmental destruction and explicit mysogyny - was bound to provoke a strong reaction from those actively fighting for a society free from all forms of exploitation.
Montreal, 4 June 2012 -- The Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC-Montreal), responding to a call by the student and popular protest movements, will participate in a week of economic disruption around the Grand Prix Formula 1 in Montreal. In particular, CLAC is inviting itself to the Grand Prix's opening cocktail party, at Arsenal on June 7th.
Montreal, 4 June 2012 -- The Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC-Montreal), responding to a call by the student and popular protest movements, will participate in a week of economic disruption around the Grand Prix Formula 1 in Montreal. In particular, CLAC is inviting itself to the Grand Prix's opening cocktail party, at Arsenal on June 7th.
- For immediate release-
More Than 5,000 People Came Out for Anti-Capitalist May Day!
Anti-capitalist demonstration brutally dispersed by SPVM guard dogs
Montréal, May 1st, 2012 – Today, answering the call of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC-Montréal) and its allies, for the fifth year running, more than 5,000 people — a record turnout— joined together in downtown Montreal to celebrate International Workers' Day. A diverse array of contingents (queers, feminists, migrants, students, and families) answered CLAC's call, showing the growing reach of the anticapitalist perspective.
March 26, 2012, Montreal -- This week, Quebec students escalate their tactics, building on almost one month of a general strike, and last Thursday’s massive demonstration against the Charest government tuition hikes.
The ongoing strike and Thursday’s historic demonstration are a starting point, not an end, as many student organizers have pointed out. The upcoming week of disruptive actions is especially important.
We are writing to support the Coalition Large de l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (CLASSE) who have called for a week of economic disruption to pressure the Charest government to cancel the tuition hikes. We agree that it’s not just through symbolic protests and actions – which are important to build solidarity and support – that the Charest government will capitulate. Rather, they will respond to the sustained and tangible disruption of the Quebec economy.
Already, business organizations, politicians, police and mainstream media commentators have referred to the economic impacts of the general strike. More blocked bridges, ports, highways and government buildings, as well as the continued disruption of colleges and universities, will force the hand of the Charest government.
Beyond the immediate demands to cancel the tuition hikes, sustained economic disruption opens up political space to talk about broader social demands. In addition to demands for free access to education (“gratuité scolaire”), some student associations have made broader links, by opposing Plan Nord or taking a stand in favor of full access to schools for non-status persons. Sustained strikes and disruptions opens up democratic spaces in the streets and in our communities for larger demands to confront capitalism, patriarchy and all forms of exploitation and oppression. A social strike puts democracy into the hands of people and their grassroots assemblies and institutions, not the sellout politicians and parties loyal to “representative democracy”.
We are writing, as local grassroots social justice collectives, groups and organizations, to publicly support this week’s economic disruptions. We will encourage our members to lend tangible support, by participating, and by engaging others in support of this week’s escalation. We denounce the use of police to attack students who are using legitimate tactics to force the hand of a government that refuses to listen to popular power. We also express our solidarity with blockaders and resisters on the frontlines, and denounce all attempts to use the media or police to divide movements.
For more information, please consult: www.stopthehike.ca/
Statement endorsed by:
- Solidarité sans frontières / Solidarity Across Borders - www.solidarityacrossborders.org
- QPIRG Concordia / GRIP à Concordia - www.qpirgconcordia.org
- La Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) - www.clac-montreal.net
- Personne n'est illégal / No One Is Illegal-Montreal - www.nooneisillegal.org
- Organisation populaire des droits sociaux de la région de Montréal - http://opdsrm.com
- La Pointe Libertaire - www.lapointelibertaire.org
- Dignidad Migrante - http://dignidadmigrante.info
- Le Centre Social Autogéré - www.centresocialautogere.org
- Réseau de la Commission Populaire / People's Commission Network - www.commissionpopulaire.org
- Ste-Emilie Skillshare - http://steemilieskillshare.org
- Artivistic - http://artivistic.org
- Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC) - www.pasc.ca
- Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière (COBP) - http://cobp.resist.ca
--> To endorse this callout, please contact blocampmontreal@gmail.com . The callout will be re-sent this Thursday morning. <--
[By signing this callout, we will share information actively via our networks (public contact lists, public events, e-mail announcements, website, social media etc.) and publicly support students and their supporters who are organizing economic disruptions this week and beyond. We also support the CLASSE in opposing all tuition hikes, within the perspective of free access to education.]