Au moment d'écrire ces lignes, l'actualité pétrolière au Québec « explose »... Il est très difficile d'en contenir les débordements en un seul article, alors veuillez considérer les lacunes comme des invitations à faire votre bout de recherche... Cet article porte spécifiquement sur les perspectives d'extraction sur le « territoire québécois », excluant ainsi les projets d'oléoducs, non moins cruciaux.
Yesterday evening, April 23, Montreal City Council voted to maintain the anti-protest by-law P-6. It's not at City Hall that P-6 will be defeated, but rather on the streets with our continued defiance and disobedience.
78 community groups have already endorsed the public statement below, clearly stating that they will not negotiate demonstration routes with the police. We encourage more community organizations to do so as well.
Please share the statement below with local organizations. Send notifications of endorsing groups to:
Solidarity against police repression in Montreal: We will not submit to the municipal by-law P-6
With this public declaration, we assert our opposition to by-law P-6: we will continue to demonstrate without negotiating our demo routes with police, and we will systematically challenge all tickets that arise from this by-law.
[Media Advisory] [For immediate release]
Press Point & “Action”
Monday, April 22, 2013, 10am
in front of the Palais de justice
(corner of St-Laurent & Notre-Dame)
Contact: - 438-875-7243
Press conference called by the Anti-Capitalist Convergence of Montreal (CLAC) with the participation of endorsing organizations.
Demonstration & Civil Disobedience Against Montreal's Anti-Protest "P-6" By-Law
FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 6:00pm (arrive on-time & come with a friend)
at Ste-Catherine and Berri, Parc Emilie-Gamelin (métro Berri-UQÀM)
January 28th, 2012, 1 pm – 5 pm
SCPA // ÉAPC, 2149, rue Mackay (Métro Guy-Concordia)
A spectre is haunting Montreal… guess which one!
If 2011 was marked by menacing tremors and rumblings, 2012 could very well become the Year of the shitstorm.
To start on the right foot, CLAC will hold its first General Assembly of the year on saterday January 28th, at the School of Community and Public Affairs, at 2149, Mackay.
Statement Against Political Profiling by Montreal's "GAMMA" Squad
Montréal –September 20th 2011
[translated from the original French]
We strongly condemn the most recent repressive offensive by the Montreal police (SPVM) whose aim is to criminalize, intimidate and isolate several political organizations. We also condemn the formation of a political police squad (entitled “GAMMA”) which is a unit of the SPVM’s organized crime division.
Oyé ! Oyé ! Lancement du nouveau numéro du journal de la Clac-Montréal :Coup de torchon !
Le journal qui torche !
Coup de torchon |n. m. | loc.
Bagarre, combat, lutte individuelle ou collective, conflit, guerre, bataille ; se battre, se quereller, se disputer, combattre.
Vendredi le 16 septembre, à partir de 17h
Au Yer Mad ; 901, boul. de Maisonneuve Est (métro Berri)
The banks and big corporations have emerged from the economic crisis as winners. They continue to amass record profits! But, for the majority of the population, things are going differently. The crisis not only funnelled hundreds of billions of dollars of public money into "saving" the financial system, it served as a pretext for big businesses to carry out massive lay-offs and for governments world-wide to cut social services such as education and health.
Capitalism only serves a handful of individuals. There have been endless corruption scandals and thefts of public funds. There have been tax cuts for the rich ... followed by cut-backs imposed on us. The greed of the rich is matched only by the enormous bonuses they lavish on themselves. It's ridiculous!
Immigrants, the unemployed, people on social assistance, single mothers and the elderly are cruelly affected by the crisis of capitalism. But the so-called "middle" class is now also directly affected and the situation is only going to get worse: higher costs of living, lower salaries, reduced social protections, privatization, health care user-fees and more.
We all contribute to the production of wealth. There is no valid reason for not sharing it fairly. There is absolutely no reason why this wealth should be stolen by a handful of billionaires, whether they be business leaders, war-lords, oil kings or dictators! Let's follow the example of the angry people of Tunisia, Egypt and Greece. Here, just like there, against capitalism, against all forms of oppression, for a better life, we have every reason to rise up!
Let's rise up in the streets of Montreal on May 1st, International Workers' Day. Bring your flags and your scarves. Let's hit the streets!
An invitation from CLAC-Montréal, /
Ici comme ailleurs, on a raison de se révolter!
Les banques et les grandes entreprises sortent gagnantes de la crise économique et continuent de générer des profits records! Mais il en va autrement pour la majorité de la population. En plus d’avoir injecté des centaines de milliards de dollars de fonds publics pour « sauver » le système financier, cette crise sert de prétexte aux grandes entreprises pour faire des mises à pied massives et aux gouvernements du monde entier pour couper les services à la population comme en santé et en éducation.
Des luttes globales aux luttes locales spécifiques : réflexions sur « le mouvement »
De la mobilisation organisée par le Comité d’accueil du G20 à Montréal en 2000 à la récente mobilisation de la CLAC2010 contre le Sommet du G20 à Toronto en juin dernier, bien de l’eau a coulé sous les ponts de la gauche radicale montréalaise. Dix ans plus tard, il serait sain que le « milieu militant », comme on l’appelle souvent, ait la maturité politique de prendre le temps faire un bilan et se livrer à des réflexions collectives. Non pas strictement au sujet de la récente mobilisation contre le G20, mais surtout amorcer une sincère introspection quant à l’évolution de ses organisations et de ses luttes dans les dix dernières années, ainsi qu’à l’état actuel du mouvement anti-capitaliste, principalement composé d’individus et de groupes anarchistes de diverses tendances.
16e édition
Hilton Bonaventure (métro Bonaventure)
Du 7 au 10 juin / June 7-10
(Action à déterminer /Action TBA )